Your one stop shop for all the latest C.H.U.D. news, beats, rhymes, and video content. Check back often as the C.H.U.D.s are always plottin' and schemin', electronically.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Long Absence

All due apoligies to the newborn babies handful of you people who check out this site. The Chuds have definitely been slacking as of late. But I'm here to tell ya folks three brand new songs are in the works, each one chuddier than the next. We should have one up by weeks end as Chud Two is feverishly working on a verse that will both poke you in the eyes and flick your ball sack (if you have one). So I got two words for you; BE READY!



Blogger yynderjohn said...

That's some big promises there ChudOne, delicious ballsack flicking rap lol

9:46 AM


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